Friday, May 10, 2019
Kupe DLO
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about how explorers (Kupe, Nukutawhiti, James Cook and Abel Tasman) journeyed to Aotearoa and the significance of their journeys. My group have started a DLO (Digital learning object) about Kupe. We had to include the following questions: How they got here, why they came to New Zealand, what footprint/impact did they leave behind, interesting facts and anything else you want find out about. I think we did well on researching and finding out facts to finish a draft. What we could do better is to talk more and collaborate better.
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Hi Taleisha my name Payton and I am a year 8 student at Kawakawa Primary School, I really like your blog post about kupe, it has so much interesting information. It reminds me of when I learnt about kupe in my class and how he found New Zealand by chasing a giant wheke. My favourite part about this was how you really went into depth and told us the key things, It was all really good. If you would like to come check out my blog go to keep up the great work.