I have tried ziplining and I really enjoyed it, however, I must admit that I was pretty scared to try it at first. How would you feel if you had the chance to go ziplining in Rotorua?
On your blog, tell us how you would feel about going ziplining in Rotorua. Try to use some descriptive words (adjectives) and action words (verbs) in your post!
I would feel very fearful but a little bit ecstatic too. With all the nature around there will be lots to observe, zipping by. Also the scenery would be breath taking. Would love to go on the zipline.
Activity 2: A Protective Plant
On your blog list 10 veggies, fruits, or herbs that you would plant in your garden.
Top 10 veggies, fruits or herbs.
Number 10: Tomatoes (even though I don't really like them)
Number 9: Zucchinis
Number 8: Spring onions
Number 7: Onions in general
Number 6: Cabbage (probably green)
Number 5: Lettuce
Number 4: Cucumbers
Number 3: Raspberries (would be nice to try out)
Number 2: Peas
Number 1: Strawberries (I left strawberries for last because their my favourite)
Activity 3: A House is Not a Home

The Lansan tree project because the Lansan tree has many reliable uses. Some of the uses are quite out of the ordinary. They are also used for cultural purposes. It is a shame that people are chopping these trees down.
Activity 2: A Protective Plant
There are concerns about the water quality of some of the rivers, streams and oceans in and around New Zealand. Some people have suggested that we plant flowers and plants on the banks of our most polluted rivers to stop the spread of the pollution. Apparently, the plants can act as filters, absorbing some of the chemicals (pollutants) that are moving across the land, on their way to the river.
Planting can be a lot of fun! Have you ever planted a garden? Aronui and I are going to make our very own edible garden this year. We are going to plant a number of veggies, fruits and herbs, including mint, coriander, parsley, lemongrass, onions, tomatoes, beans, zucchinis, kumara and strawberries. Yum! If you could plant an edible garden what would you plant in it?
On your blog list 10 veggies, fruits, or herbs that you would plant in your garden.
Top 10 veggies, fruits or herbs.
Number 10: Tomatoes (even though I don't really like them)
Number 9: Zucchinis
Number 8: Spring onions
Number 7: Onions in general
Number 6: Cabbage (probably green)
Number 5: Lettuce
Number 4: Cucumbers
Number 3: Raspberries (would be nice to try out)
Number 2: Peas
Number 1: Strawberries (I left strawberries for last because their my favourite)
Activity 3: A House is Not a Home
New Zealand is home to some unique wildlife that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. While we work very hard to protect our natural habitats so, too, do people living and working in other countries. One of the oldest international wildlife conservation organisations is called ‘Fauna & Flora International’ (FFI). They support a number of projects around the world, including those working to protect Lansan trees in the Caribbean, fruit forests in Tajikistan, and national reserves in Mozambique. Read about each of these projects and choose the one that interests you the most.
On your blog, tell us which project you find most interesting and why.The Lansan tree project because the Lansan tree has many reliable uses. Some of the uses are quite out of the ordinary. They are also used for cultural purposes. It is a shame that people are chopping these trees down.
MÅrena Taleisha,
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome to read you'd like to zip line one day? Who would you like to take with you ziplining and why? I would take my boyfriend as he loves adventuring, and my friend Kesia as she is a big daredevil and doesn't mind heights.
You have made a great list of fruit and veges to grow in your garden. Why did you choose tomatoes if you don't really like them? Does your whanau like them? My Aunty and Uncle grow cherry tomatoes and they are so so delicious. They taste so much yummier than the shop bought tomatoes. Strawberries are my favourite too! I always look forward to strawberry season and being able to dip them in melted chocolate, yum.
Great work with activity three! I enjoyed reading your reasoning for choosing the Lansan trees project. It sure is a shame that people are chopping the trees down.
Nga mihi,
Hello Taleisha,
ReplyDeleteI like your blog post for day 2.I like the veggies that you would like to put in your garden.And I like what you said about your feeling for going on the zip line.
Keep up the good work,